AI: A New Marketing Team Member


Artificial Intelligence, like Generative AI, is being used in marketing to create content and improve various aspects of marketing strategies.  It can save time and effort for marketers.

I want to introduce the idea that not all team members need a lunch break, days off, or sleep!  AI and generative AI can be part of your marketing team, and a very good team player at that!

Content generation in marketing

Generative AI, artificial intelligence, is being used to create content for all sorts of marketing purposes?  It's a development that can be incredibly useful for businesses looking to engage their current and new customers.  Generative AI content creation can remove the hard work from writing marketing copy.

Think of an e-commerce retailer.  Creating well-written blog posts and social media updates about their latest products can help drive traffic to their website and increase sales.  However, continuously generating creative ideas and writing original content can be a very time-consuming activity. This is where AI comes in.  Generative AI tools can produce all types of marketing material, from blog posts to social captions with simple prompts.  Simply tell the AI about your product's features, target customer, and tone, and it will output the content for you.

The AI does the hard work by conducting the research, finding relevant examples, and transforming the information into an engaging piece of content.  This saves marketers hours to focus on other activities while also keeping their platforms; website, social accounts, and more; filled with fresh, speaking directly to their customer base.

If you need a faster way to produce new content to attract new customers, think about letting artificial intelligence work its magic!


Email is still considered as one of the most effective digital marketing channels for engaging customers and driving sales.  Constantly coming up with new email content and designs can be a challenge.  Let generative AI help!

AI tools are now able to generate customised email content to engage the customer.  As with content creation, above, telling the AI about the brand, products, and campaign goals, the AI will be able to create emails from start to finish, whether a single or multiple email campaign.  The AI will develop relevant engaging subject lines, content blocks, and specific calls-to-action for the campaign.  You can also create A/B test different content elements like; offers, wording, images and send times.  Some advanced email systems can also generative AI to create dynamic and personalised content and images, for individual recipients to have a unique message.


Looking to boost advertising results and get your messages in front of the right eyes is difficult.  AI can reduce the size of the problem by helping.  As we have learned above, content creation is something AI can do well and repeatedly.  Telling the AI as much as you can about the target audience will help the AI create the optimised content.  During the campaign you can feed results back so the AI can make improvements.  And like email campaigns, the AI can A/B test different ad images, texts, headlines, layouts, colours, calls-to-action, and place them with the ideal targeting parameters to maximize click-through and eventually conversion rates.

Because of the vast data sets AI is trained with AI can segment audiences into highly-specific personas based on demographics, behaviours, interests, and more.  This allows the ads to be personalised to the potential customers.  The AI algorithms can crunch the numbers, find patterns, and make the decisions or recommendations.  This allows the marketing team to focus on strategy and creativity.

All this can work across many advertising campaigns, from traditional non digital channels, PPC, social, TV and other digital campaigns.

Market Research

We have looked at using AI for content generation and analysing campaigns.  To round out this article we will look at how AI is a valuable tool to help you uncover powerful consumer and market insights.

Marketing research is all about gathering and interpreting data to guide the strategy.  But with the huge amounts of data available, it is becoming almost impossible for humans to comb through it all.  This is where AI helps!

AI tools can quickly process very large amounts of market data to detect important trends and patterns that humans would likely miss.  Web analytics, social listening, surveys, sales data, AI can analyse it all and derive quality insights.  For example, an AI could sift through customer data to identify distinct audience segments based on behaviours, interests, and demographics.  It can also track how different segments respond to campaigns over time.  AI is very good at predictive analytics as well.  By learning from historical data, the AI market research assistants can predict sales, identify emerging trends, and model various "what-if" scenarios.  These are the types of insights can raise the benefits of market research to add real value to future campaigns.

Extra Thought

With content generation, the AI tool can be used over and over to either fine tune the output or as a creative tool to assist in idea generation for the human team.

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