Economic Benefits of Generative AI

We often look at the functional and operational benefits of AI, however, in most societies the economic benefits are the ones that create wealth, improve living standards beyond the technology, and whether it is right, judge the standard of success.  In this article we shall look at the economic benefits of generative AI.  I am not an economist so this will be very light touch.

The major source for this article comes from trade publications, Bing and Google searches, and software suppliers.  Most of data and figures comes from McKinsey, (September, 2023) as I felt this could be a reliable and single source so as not to mix different measurement techniques.

Economic benefits of Generative AI

It is estimated that globally generative AI could add between $2.6 and $4.4 trillion annually economic value over the next decade.  This is between 15% and 40% of the estimated $11 to $17.7 trillion that could be unlocked by all AI.  The bulk of the impact would come from just five functions: customer operations, marketing/sales, software engineering, innovation, and R&D.

All industries are expected to have a positive impact from generative AI, but some specifics are:

The share of activities with automation potential has increased from 50% to up to 70% due to advances like natural language processing.

Economic boost from generative AI and other technologies, particularly from automation, could provide up to a 3% annual boost to productivity growth over the next 15 plus years.  This relies on workers and businesses achieving the benefits and moving (staff and processes) to other productive activities.

Generative AI Enabling the Workforce

For customer operations, generative AI chatbots could be used to handle 50% more inquiries and to reduce response times.  In marketing, it can generate creative personalised content at scale.  For software engineering, tools like GitHub Copilot are enable faster coding. And in R&D, generative design can accelerate designing new products or drug molecules.  Additionally, I think generative AI will be able to accelerate the creative processes for product design, and consumer testing.

Adoption scenarios suggest automation of half of current work activities could happen by 2060, a decade earlier than previous estimate of just 3 years ago.  A difference is that unlike prior automation, generative AI is most likely to impact all wage groups.

Realising the Benefits

While promising, realising the benefits will take time.  Business leaders need to address risks like biases, privacy issues, workforce impacts, and intellectual property infringement, while scaling in a controlled manner.  Overall, if managed responsibly and carefully, generative AI could contribute significantly to economic growth and sustainability.

Some area a business can use generative AI to achieve economic benefits at an organisational level are:

Implementing AI into an Organisation

Implementing AI in a business can be a game-changer, but it requires careful planning. Here's a simple guide for businesses:

Preparation for AI Implementation

What to Look For

Dangers and Challenges

Short and Long Term Vision

Top Tips for Improving AI Success

Implementing these practices can help maximise generative AI's benefits while minimising risks and negative impacts on people.  The goal is to embed ethics into all stages of the AI lifecycle.

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